Monday, September 6, 2010

The Happy Hanson's

Whew... I was going to make the first post about our first month but I went into so much detail about the honeymoon I decided to break it up into two posts or maybe three. Here we are already in September and we have been married for over a month now. School has started and we are ready and excited to do our best in our classes. We had a wonderful couple of weeks moving into our new apartment and relaxing. Here is a little of what we did in August. :)

Our first trip we went on the weekend after our receptions was to Cedar City. We stayed the night in my Dad and brother Aaron's condo in Cedar and the next morning went to go hiking at Zion's. We have issues with directions because we get talking and having such a fun time in the car that we miss exits and roads, etc... This trip was no different. When we finally got to Zion's at the entrance, the park worker asked us if we needed a map. Both of us said in unison, "No." and we drove on our way thinking... how could we possibly get lost we are just going to park and get on a hike. Well... we ended up missing the turn for the visitor's center and going on the scenic drive all the way through Zion. The road had terrible construction and so by the time we realized we had missed the visitor's center we were only about 5 miles from Mt. Caramel where my Aunt Cami lives. So we just went right on through and over to Mt. Caramel and Cooper my little 8 year old cousin took us both on a horse ride. We had a fun visit in Mt. Caramel and we even got to see the Disney movie site that was built on their farm for a western movie that Disney is making. It was pretty neat that Disney had found the site way out there and built such a neat set. On our way back to Zion we went and back through the construction... by the time we were 1/2 way through the park back to the visitor's center we had decided what hike we would take and then, Dustin's grandma called and said she had dinner ready! So, we just threw our hiking plans out the window and went down to St. George for dinner at Grandma Rasband's. It was sure fun to see her and visit. Before we headed back to Cedar for the night, I told Dustin we had to share an ice cream at Nielsen's Frozen Custard (my Mom's favorite). So we had a hot fudge sundae to share! yummm.... It wasn't quite the weekend we had planned, but we sure had a great time visiting family and talking and laughing all the way! :)

Next weekend was action packed as well... we headed down to Aurora and went to the cabin. Jason and Brooke Wilde came as well as our friend Luiz Maykot. We started out the day shooting at targets. We looked pretty awesome with bright colored earplugs in our ears. We all hit at least some of the targets. Then started one of about 10 rounds of frisbee golf for the men. I played one round and called it good. :) After lunch it was off to the zipline! We all went down to a zipline owned by a good family friend, Steve Camp. Steve and my dad helped to shuttle us up and down on four-wheelers. We had the idea to do a tandem-ride... so Dustin and I decided to try it. Yah.. not so great of an idea. I took off first which was fine until Dustin jumped too... the two of us together was too much for the line and it weighed us down enough for me to hit my shoulder on a stump on the way down. Then we made is through the trees with my arm stuck in Dustin's rope all the while picking up more and more speed. By then there was no slowing down and about 2 seconds later we took a crash landing on the hillside... Dustin on top of me. As you can probably imagine I got a massive bruise on the side of my hip along with some massive neck and back pain. I had a limp for a couple days but after a week of baths in Epsom Salts and covering my back and neck with Bengay, I am back in tip top shape. But anyways, back to the cabin trip... once we got back I layed down while the rest of the bunch went on a 4 wheeler ride. As soon as they returned... the frisbee golf continued until dinner and as soon as we finished the cobbler the boys went for a few more rounds until it was time to go back to Aurora. Throughout the day in frisbee golf there were many records set: Luiz has the out-of-country record, Dustin has the out-of-state record, and Jason has the out-of-family record. So, it was a successful trip for all involved! By then it was getting dark and we were all so tired from such an action-packed day, we went home and played some pool at my parents' house and went to bed.

The next morning we welcomed home Elder Shelby Harrison who served in the Cuiabá Mission with us. He's from Salina, which is part of my stake. It was great to see him and hear about how the mission was doing and the experiences that he had there. After the meeting and going to a luncheon held for him, our action packed weekend came to a close and we headed back to Provo and got a good night's rest for the first day of school!

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