Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our Little Family

We visited Kevin and Tiffany a couple weeks ago and had a delicious dinner with steaks on the grill! Love steak dinners at their house. :) Tiffany was able to get this picture. She has skills because Luke will only hold his head still for about .02 seconds and this one looks like he is smiling! We had such a fun night and are excited for our next get together in a couple weeks for some fried turkey!

Luke is being such a good boy. For the past two nights he has slept for two 4-hour stretches. He is the cutest thing when he wakes up in the middle of the night because he is just so content and looks all around. It makes feeding him at 4AM not too bad. :)

On Thursday we had our first real date night since he was born. My mom "sacrificed" (wink wink...) and came up and watched him for 6 hours while we went to the Utah Student Top 25 Gala at the Grand America in Salt Lake. It was a super fun event with delicious food and fun company. The company Dustin works for, Exceptional Accounting, was ranked #18! It was amazing to see all of the student companies that have been started and how successful they are while the students are going to school full-time. Wow!

 Heading off on our date. :)

Now for the great news... only a little more than 5 weeks and I will be taking my last FINALS!! I can't believe how close I am. Not only that but Dustin will be finished with the Jr. Core and starting the MAcc Program at BYU in the Fall. It is so exciting because he is getting experience and starting to make some decisions about what area of accounting he wants to focus on like audit or tax. We have been talking a little bit about where we might want to take his first job and it gets us pretty excited. This summer he will have the chance to visit some different firms and then next year we will be going on his internship. So much excitement. Best part of all is we will be able to do all this without Luke growing up to fast... :) He agreed that he wouldn't grow up too fast so I am taking his "grunt" (or word) on that.  

We sure love our family and are so thankful for the love and support we receive. Life is wonderful with such awesome family all around us. Here are some fun pics we have taken lately.

6 weeks

Zonked on Daddy

Watching the BYU game on his recliner

Have a good week! :)


  1. Exciting times! You guys looked so cute ready for your date:) glad you got to get out and that your handsome little luke is sleeping well for you:)

  2. Very exciting! Glad he is sleeping for you! Also glad you were able to get out on a date! That is always nice! Good luck with the rest of the semester and all your planning! Hopefully we will have you guys in AZ for a few months. That would be so much fun!!

  3. Well, the drool picture is totally Dustin. Such a cute little guy. This is a fun time of life for you guys. Enjoy.
