Monday, July 9, 2012

Hanson Family Visit

Last weekend was baby Peyton's blessing day. It was so much fun to have so many visitors! Seth drove down from Boise and stayed on our ever so comfortable couch bed. It was fun to have him down since we haven't seen him in so long. He had Luke laughing in about 5 minutes by making silly noises. He didn't even mind Luke's constant drool! We just wish we could have seen April and Carter Bug too!
Luke didn't have time to smile... too busy downing his baby Gatorade. (aka. Pedialyte.)

On Sunday Grandpa Barry and Grandma Rhonda stopped by with Chandler, Devrey, and Danielle and we played a competitive game of Phase 10. And the winner was... drum roll please... Grandma Rhonda! We sure had fun and Luke loved all the attention he was given. Sometimes it seems like he has a hard time understanding what is going on when we have visitors. After being alone with me all day it must be a lot for a 5 month old to take in but once he realizes that it means there are more people to hold him and walk around with him... he thinks visitors are great! :)

Our attempt at a group photo. :)

Love is in the air...

Danielle = Lifesaver. 
Thanks for babysitting Danielle!  

What a fun weekend! Summer is such a fun time because it is filled with family reunions and other fun family times. We love our family so much and are grateful for the love we feel for them!  


  1. What a fun weekend it was! We did miss those that couldn't be there: April and Carter; and Matt and Jessie and children; and Brett and Cherice and kids. But, it was great to be together with so many. Love, love, love summertime family time!

  2. It was a fun weekend! Thanks for coming to our Little Man's big day!!! Wish we'd known y'all were playing games and hanging out afterwards...we'd have loved to join ya...maybe next time!!! Thanks again for the support!!!
