Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Being a Mom

I can't even put into words how much I love being a mom. I just love it! Luke is just the sweetest little thing and I am just so happy he is mine. I have learned a lot during this 4 month journey and realized that every baby is different! Each cry sounds different and each baby loves to be held in different ways. I have loved learning about what makes Luke happy and knowing what he likes best. For example, Luke doesn't like blankets! I thought all babies loved blankets. But Luke, if you put a blanket on him he will kick and kick until it is off of him and then he can rest. Also, I thought all babies loved to be cradled. He will tolerate it from time to time but he prefers to be held looking out so he can see the world.

One of my favorite things as well is seeing how much other people love him too. :) He just gets smothered with attention whereever we go and he likes it! The more attention the better with him.
Loved by Mom

Loved by Dad
Loved by Grandma Jackie
Loved by Grandpa Bart
Loved by Grandma and Grandpa Hanson....

and so many others!

Luke goes through the funniest phases. One week he just loved sticking out his tongue! And that happened to be the week I went to get his pictures taken at JC Penney and he stuck his tongue out the whole time! I developed some of the pictures anyway because they are going to be a pretty funny memory some day! His favorite thing to do right now is roll onto his tummy. His only problem is that after a while of being there, he realizes he doesn't want to be there any more but for some reason 1/2 the time he can't remember how to get himself on his back! So he just starts rocking and flying on his belly. So I will go roll him over and 2 seconds later... he is back on his tummy. Also, he has found his feet. Oh dear... what a crazy kid. He turns himself into a little pretzel sucking his little toes. Lastly, he has become quite the talker. He just babbles and babbles and I love it! If I imitate the sounds he is making he will look me straight in the eyes and respond like we are having a little conversation.
Here is the tongue!

Rolling around on his belly...

 the bumper pads are up now because of this...

Talking up a little storm!

Toes in mouth...
Now he is a happy boy! 

Dustin is doing really well. He went down to Phoenix because he was invited to the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCooper for their Summer Leadership program and he really liked it. One of their clients is the Arizona Diamondbacks so he got to tour the stadium which was pretty cool. I think his favorite part was getting to visit Matt and Jessie while he was down there and seeing his cute nieces and nephews! He just kept sending me pictures of the little cuties. :) He is headed back down again next week to visit the Ernst & Young firm as well. It should be another good experience.

As for me, I am just plugging along; cooking fun recipes and trying to keep the house clean. It has been great! Dustin has helped me get my cooking blog looking wonderful. I love the changes he made to the look of it. I am not very computer savvy but I love to cook so with the two of us together we make a pretty good team and have a fun hobby! It is fun for me too because I can make my favorite recipes and record them on the blog and then I don't have to look for the recipes! If you haven't seen the new look... check it out! I'd appreciate any feedback. Visit myscrumptiouscreations.blogspot.com 

  I went and got some supplies to make Luke a basic scrapbook. I have already taken SO many pictures! Luke is only 4 months old and I feel like I am already 2 years behind! I will probably never keep up but it is a good goal. :)

Well, we are loving summer and the time we have been able to spend together as a family. Definitely better than the crazy schedule we had during the semester! Here are some more fun pics we have taken recently...
Drooling all over his new toy. :)

Trying to fit both fists in his mouth.

He loves holding onto our faces.

Our visit to the City Creek Shopping Center

We LOVE our little Luke!


  1. He is sooo cute!! He and Charlotte need to play

  2. What a cute little guy! I love him to pieces! You're right. He IS loved by lots of people! Especially his Aunt Devrey. ;) Glad you guys are having a great summer! I think I might need some more Dustin, Amy, AND Luke time here pretty soon. :)

  3. P.S. your cooking blog looks great! Dustin did a great job! And of course you do a great job of posting delicious looking creations!

  4. Ai q lindo!!!As fotos dele mostrando a lingua tao muito engracadas!! haha Parabens viu? O Luke eh lindinho d+!! bjs

  5. The cooking blog looks great! We should start having some scrapbook dates...I am way behind lready too!!! Glad all is well. Love y'all!!!

  6. Glad you are enjoying motherhood! I love all the pictures and the update! He is such a cutie! Hopefully we will be able to meet him here soon! We are planning on heading up to Idaho before Tyler starts school, so hopefully we can stop by and say hi. We had way too much fun with Dustin, and we are hoping to be able to see him again this go round. Even if it means Matt heading to meet up with him with the boys for a quick dinner or something. Anyway, keep posting cute pictures so we don't feel like we are missing too much!!

  7. Oh, and I worked so HARD on those blankets! He's growing up waaaaay to fast. Call me crazy, but I've never seen a baby who looks more like his daddy did when he was that age. Must get down to see him soon. Amy, you and Dustin are such great mom and dad!

  8. Amy, Luke is so stinkin' cute! Love the pics :)
